What is a BIC / SWIFT code?
What is a BIC / SWIFT code?

Read our guide on everything you need to know about BIC / SWIFT codes, including what they are, what they are used for and where you can find yours

A Nightmare on Downing Street
A Nightmare on Downing Street

Following another extension, Brexit could now occur on 31 October – a date otherwise known as Halloween. Fitting for some, this new date for B-Day has led rise to a number of comparisons between horror movies and the Brexit negotiations.

Global Payments Form
Global Payments Form

Fill in this quick form to contact Moneycorp for Business International Payment enquiries.

Corporate Account IE
Corporate Account IE

Sign up for a corporate international payments account today and discover how your business could reduce currency costs and risk in a global marketplace.

Business FAQ
Business FAQ

Want to know how much our foreign exchange dealing and payment services cost? moneycorp answers this question and more in our Business FAQs.

Personal FAQs
Personal FAQs

Frequently asked questions from Personal clients regarding moneycorp's one-off and regular international money transfers. Find the answers here.

Online platform FAQs IE
Online platform FAQs IE

Read our FAQs at moneycorp so we can help you with your foreign currency and international payments today.

Security Zone
Security Zone

We want to provide you with a guide to keep your finances and Moneycorp account secure. Click here to find out what to watch out for.

Make an overseas payment
Make an overseas payment

Make a fast and secure one-off overseas payment with Moneycorp. With our award-winning service and competitive rates, you can save money today!